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by Rakevet

Health & Fitness


Healthy eating habits - through daily practice of healthy thinking and behavior. TryTHE APPLICATION SIMULATOR OF EATING BEHAVIOR WILL SOLVE YOUR TASKS:✔ Reduce overeating✔ Learn to regulate emotions without the help of food✔ Get rid of the actions "on the machine" related to nutrition✔ Stop relying on external cues when making decisions to eat/stop eating✔ Develop habits of a healthy relationship with food and body for lifeConscious eating behavior is the key to a high quality of your life!SIMULATOR can be called a personal curator, a psychologist.EASIER THAN DIETS and PP, AND THE RESULT IS MORE RELIABLE- Any diet implies restrictions and prohibitions, which sooner or later lead to a breakdown. With the Trainer you dont have to limit yourself artificially, you can eat as much as you want.- No need to keep complex theories in mind, get confused in various concepts, count calories. It is enough to press the “I want to eat” button and start a dialogue with the simulator. Healthy eating habits will start to develop on their own.We now have a lot of information about nutrition and mindful eating behavior. However, when trying to implement useful skills in their lives, many fail.Good news! It is still possible to form new habits. To do this, you need to regularly train to think and act in a new way.A habit is a strong connection between the neurons of our brain, which is formed with the help of repeated repetitions. The simulator builds a dialogue with you, and you get used to a conscious way of thinking and behaving.For example, you can not only cope with anxiety, self-criticism, feelings of loneliness, boredom, etc., but also learn to rely on your bodys signals when making a decision to eat or stop eating.Unlike various psychological marathons and nutritional courses, our Simulator really helps you not only bring theory to life, but also get used to doing it regularly.THE SIMULATOR CAN BE TRUSTEDIt is developed on the basis of a method used in addiction treatment, psychotherapy and research purposes, and is also supported by practice.You will learn psychological techniques and useful skills that will be with you all your life!